Stat Tracking and Scorekeeping

Easily track your sports team's statistics with GameDay Preps™' cloud-based scoring software.

GameDay Preps Stat Tracking currently supports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Wrestling
  • Easy to use and quick to learn.
  • Enter plays and keep score in real-time.
  • Track basic data points for simplicity or advanced metrics for better coaching and playing.
  • Works across all device types, manufacturers, and operating systems.
  • Use touch, mouse, keyboard, or a combination of all three.
  • Each play is automatically saved to your computer and the cloud.
  • Instantly resume games on a different device.
  • Audit and correct your stats live during games on multiple devices.
  • Fully integrated and synced with our full suite of tools
  • Output to XML, and link to your scoreboard or streaming graphics with our app.
  • Official MaxPreps Xport Enabled Stat Partner
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